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What year is it? My friend has one and he has a 1980 and i have a 2005 yz 85 and the frame is not even close of being like the yz80

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Q: Is a yz80 frame same as a yz85. i have a yz and lost title and was looking on eBay and there is a lot of yz85 frames for cheap will it fit?
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How do you get a title for custom motorcycle in Illinois?

The frame should of came with a title when you got the frame

How do you get a title when the engine and frame of a motorcycle have a different VIN number because of an engine swap?

The motorcycle isn't the handle bars, lights, seat tires and rims, but the frame, and if you can't get the title to that frame, then you can apply for lost title. Refer to your states DMV for a specific answer.

How can you position a Java Swing Frame on screen?

The JFrame class itself has only a few methods for changing how frames look. Of course, through the magic of inheritance, most of the methods for working with the size and position of a frame come from the various superclasses of JFrame. The most important methods related to positioning a Frame are: • The setLocation and setBounds methods for setting the position of the frame • The setIconImage method, which tells the windowing system which icon to display in the title bar, task switcher window etc • The setTitle method for changing the text in the title bar • The setResizable method, which takes a boolean to determine if a frame will be resizeable by the user

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The title of the song is "Lay Me Down" by The Frames!

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Someone who is looking for a new job, may be looking for a manager position. People may also be looking for the title of boss or a professional title, like doctor.

Types of frames of references?

In physics, frames of reference are points of view from which observations are made. Some types include inertial frames, where Newton's laws hold and there is no acceleration, non-inertial frames, which are accelerating or rotating, and observational frames, which are defined by an observer's position and motion.

Job title of a person who makes picture frames?

"Framer." I hope you weren't expecting something fancier!

Where can you find the lyrics for Picture Frames by Georgia Fair?

Try youtube . Type the Title and the singer and click 'go'

I am looking for VIN number LL8WZB4780E00312 on a lost title for a scooter?

I am looking for VIN number LL8WZB4780E00312 on a lost title for a scooter”

How can you get the title to a car that's been your possession for years?

File for lost title.. Its cheap..In TX its like 3.00

Looking for a song title?


Song with the lyrics I'm looking at you looking at me?

That's the title itself! Looking at You Looking at Me by Ozzy Osborne.