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Any motor vehicle is not covered under the HO policy.

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Q: Is a motorcycle covered under homeowners if involved in a garage fire?
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Will a home owners policy cover a motorcycle burned in a fire?

If the motorcycle was inside the garage of the house, most likely it will be covered. Check your policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover wind and storm damage to detached garage?

If you have wind and hail coverage on your policy and the detached garage is a covered structure on that policy then Yes, your policy would cover the damages.

Does homeowners insurance cover storage for a corvette stored in garage?

No. Vehicles are covered under an Auto Insurance Policy, Not a Home Insurance Policy.

Is theft from auto in garage an auto or homeowners claim?

The theft of the auto itself would be covered by your auto policy. Damage to your structure caused by burglars would be covered by your homeowner's policy.

Where can one find a good motorcycle garage?

In order to find a good motorcycle garage, you will have to search for garages in your area. There are no national motorcycle garage chains in the United States. Motorcycle Superstore does sell many motorcycle tools online required to work on motorcycles.

Will homeowners pay if your vehicle hits your garage?

yes subject to your homeowners deductible

Will the home owners insurance cover if my vehicle hit my garage wall?

No,, That would be covered under your auto insurance policy. Homeowners insurance does not cover damages to street vehicles.

Does homeowners insurance cover garage door damage?

Yes, homeowners insurance will cover garage door damage. You may want to look at your policy to find out what your deductible is. If the deductible is more than the cost of the repair to the door, it would not be beneficial to file a claim.

Will homeowners insurance cover a damaged car by the garage door?

No, You'll have to seek coverage for the Car under you Auto Insurance Policy. Now if the garage door was damaged then your Homeowners policy may fix it if it is below your deductible.

Will homeowners cover a friends vehicle running through your garage door?

Yes, It will cover your garage door, but will not cover your friends vehicle.

Does insurance cover a fallen tree on your garage?

Most homeowners policies will provide coverage