Step 1: Search for Owners Manual Step 2: Open Owners Manual to "Index" Step 3: Look for "Engine Servicing" STep 4: Follow instructions in the "Owners Manual" To Clea a carb
I assume your question was "do you ride an Xr100 with the choke on?". In response to that the answer is no. If you are having to run it with the choke on, that is an indication of clogged jets in the carburetor which will require removing the carburetor, disassembling, cleaning, reassembling and reinstalling on the bike.
you have to take out the carburetor and then clean it
My opinion and my knowledge the xr100 is slower than the xr80 because I had both of those bikes and the xr80 always beat the xr100
its the same place as on the xr100 on the right side of the carburetor there is a screw with a spring around it and a Phillips head top. that is your idle adjustment.
They're not.
No only 2-stoke bikes have powerbands, the xr100 is a four stroke.
The Honda xr100 has 5 forward gears 1-down, 4 up.
According to the spark plug manufacturer NGK, the recommended gap for a 2001 Honda XR100 is .028"
Make sure your computer has no viruses
your float is stuck in the carburetor. Clean it with carb cleaner.
1989 Honda xr100
.028 in.