at least 4.10 for small one depnding on the sizes 5 feet is basicly all you will need
you have to be 5 foot
it is 5.00 for a single cart and 10.00 for a double cart.
yes you can you can ride whon on the road if your go kart is fast and you have to have a go kart lisens
87 feet and 2 inches
You have to be 52 inches tall to go on this ride.
Will Cart is 6' 1".
to ride
place the cart on a railroad track, then right click it.
No. A go cart is not a street legal vehicle and cannot be driven on any public streets or roads, so therefore you need no license or permit to ride one.
5 foot tall
it is not legal for anyone regardless of age to ride a gocart on any street
donkey cart