Yo you need to be 17 dude .. but you can always just buy a 50cc and put a 70cc bore up kit in it to make it go faster .. that's what ive done .. this way you can get insurance.
16 yeard old
To drive in England you have to be at least 16 a which point you can drive a moped (50cc scooter)
A normal scooter - any age Not sure bout elctric
To drive a motorized scooter in Oklahoma, a person must be at least 14 years old. If under 16, the driver must take a motorized scooter training course.
14 years old
You have to be 15 years old.
i think that the minimum age is 14 to drive one
Typically, you would need to be 16 years old, and obtain a drivers license in order to drive a motor scooter on city streets. But, to be sure contact your local driving center to see what is acceptable.
13 years old 13 years old