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How often you should replace a roof depends on the type of roof. According to, estimates based on different types of roofs are: Shake/Wood Shingles: 20-25 years Composition Shingless: 12-20 years Rock Roofs: 12-15 years Metal Roofs: 50-75 years

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Q: How often should you replace a roof?
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If I have a leak in one part of my roof, should i replace the whole thing?

This depends on the age of your roof. If your roof is relatively new you may just need to replace a few shingles. If however, your roof is near it's warranty limit you should consider replacing the whole roof.

How often should a roof be replaced?

Depends on the type of roof, climate and condition of the roof. Typical asphalt shingles have an average life of about 20-25 years.

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Not often if there tarting to wear and tear you should replace them.

When should roofs be repaired?

When a roof develops a leak often times caused by damage to a certain part of the roof ei: blistered or cracked areas on a flat roof or missing and cracked shingles on a pitched roof. Repairs should be preformed on a sunny day when the roof is dry.

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Weather should be warm, (70 -80 f ) , not raining and preferably sunny.

How often should you inspect your roof to see if it needs repairs?

A roof should be inspected annually but could be more than that. One should inspect his roof for damage after high winds, hail, or other events that could damage structures.

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How do I roof my house and what do I need?

Most hardware stores can provide great information on what you will need to replace the roof on a home. The internet is also a valuable resource, often providing instructional videos on how to complete your project.

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Replace headlight bulb only when blown.

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