I just did an oil and filter change the other day on my 1996 Honda Shadow VLX and the owner's manual said to put in 2.25 litres. I must have let the oil drip out pretty thoroughly since I ended up putting in about 2.8 litres before I could finally get a level on the dipstick.
The motorcycle must also be held straight up, not leaning on the side stand. The dip stick is to be taken out, wiped off, then put in till the threads touch the case, but NOT threaded in. Just pull it straight back out and check the oil level.
Measured on the side stand, the oil will always appear too low when it has the correct amount, since the oil in the motor stays level as the bike leans over. Crazy system, especially if the bike does not have a center stand.
16 gallons
It takes 2.5 quarts without a filter change.
what wheel will fit Honda vt 600 vlx shadow
Well, my 2002 Honda Shadow vlx 600 takes a 525x120 chain.
450 ml.
2.8 liters without a filter change, 3 liters with a new oil filter.
yes yes
there are 4 gears
43bhp @ 6500 revs