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Around 60 motorcycle riders and passengers are killed and 2000 injured each year on NSW roads

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Q: How many scooter riders are killed or injured in NSW each year?
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As far as the allstate commercial says,"6,000 teens drive away and never return." As far as the injured part IDK but that is how many are killed each year...God Bless them.

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In Canada, around 160,000 people are injured and about 2,800 people are killed in motor vehicle collisions each year. Additionally, there are thousands of injuries and fatalities from other causes such as falls, drownings, and work-related incidents.

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There were 1.5 million collisions with deer in 2009. It is estimated that the vast majority of the deer were fatally injured.

How many people die each year by guns?

There were 12 students and 1 teacher killed in this shooting. There were 23 people injured, and after the shooting Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed them selves. There were 12 students and 1 teacher killed in this shooting. There were 23 people injured, and after the shooting Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed them selves.

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There are no clear statistics. One estimate is that 24,000 people are killed by lightning strikes around the world each year and about 240,000 are injured. Another estimate is that the annual global death toll is 6,000.