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Q: How many people get hit by a car while riding a bike per year?
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Can you die riding a bike?

Yes and many do.

How many people own a bike?

It is estimated that about one billion own a bike in the world. Half of these people are in China while about 30 million bike owners are in the US.

How many people get hurt on a dirt bike a year?

Statistics show that surprisingly not a lot of people get injured. The numbers are like 1 out of every 5000! Maybe 1 to 2 hundred people a year. Dirt bikes are actually one of the safest motorized activities. riding a dirt bike is safer than riding in a car.

Susan spent 3 hours riding her bike Saturday afternoon how many minutes did she ride her bike?


Do you have to know how to ride a bike to ride sky bike?

Sky bike can mean too many things for there to be a sensible answer to this. From people riding bikes on tight ropes, to a company called skybikes building perfectly regular bicycles, to a kinda-sorta cablecar bike.

How many lbs do you lose when riding a bike 10 miles?

about 3 pounds

How many miles bike riding equal how many miles walked?

1 mile bike riding = 1 mile walked.Both are equivalent to 5,280 feet, 1,760 yards, or 1,609.344 meters.

How do you change 'was' in a sentence?

Was can be changed in many ways. .He was riding a bike. This is past tenseHe is riding a bike. This is present tenseIf you change was in a sentence then you change the tenses of the sentence. There are no other words you can substitute for was.These sentences do not have the same meaning as was.He has been riding a bike.He had been riding a bike.He will ride a bike.and more.

Is it possible to jump while riding in a sidesaddle?

YES there are many videos on youtube of people doing that =]

How many calories do you burn riding a bike for 12 miles in 55 minutes?

i believe the average for riding 12 mph in an hour is 550 calories but it depends on the person and type of riding

How many times has Indra fell of his ped?

Hard to know the exact or even the estimate amount of times, pretty sure he didn't have someone recording him 24/7 while he was riding his bike.

How many miles does it takes to get to Orlando on a bike from ftmyers?

The mileage from Orland to Ft Meyers is is same if you are driving or riding a bike: 150 miles. But it's flat!