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Its not all about height its more about bringing you feet up high so that the deck can spin freely but to awnser your question it depends on how fast you can spin the deck . I jump about 20 cm high to single tailwhip

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Q: How high do you need to jump to land a tailwhip on a scooter?
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How do you jump on a scooter?

1. Ready....The speed you are going depends on how high but mainly the distance of how you jump. The faster you go, the more distance you generally cover. 2. Set.....How high you jump depends on how much you bend your knees. If you bend them a lot, you will generally jump higher. 3. Jump! Take the scooter with you by firmly grasping the handlebars. 4. Landing....For a smoothe land, you can have your back wheel hit before your front wheel. However, if you are going over an obstacle, this technique may interfere. Be ready for a bump if you hit at the same time. 5. And you're done! Be careful of wobbling. Even after you hit the ground, your scooter may still wobble.

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a tooter can help!

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