The current generation tops out ~165 mph in stock condition
it goes 320 or about 300 like most bikes now
enough...unless you want to go faster than 300km/hour
The 2008 YZF-R6 was the first 600 to break the 170mph barrier, achieving a top tested speed of 172.34mph stock (A little over 277km/h).
to slow for my 400
20 mph
Its called by most a shorty...I bought one for my 07 R6 from yamaha. It is made by GYTR...
Over 140 MPH although I've never tried to push it all the way. I'm sure it would do 150 MPH.
depends on what kind of bike you are looking for. the r6 is a sport bike while the gs500 is a sport touring. for the long haul, i'd take the gs500. good power and very comfortable. for the short sprint, then i'd go r6 all the way. very fast of a 600 when comparing to other 600's of that generation.
if it is a Yamaha wolverine 450 it will go 61mph
I have had mine to 168 and it still have some more to go. I would say around 175 or so.