Remove a bolt (hex) from either side at the bottom of the seat. Near the shock.
The Yamaha 1200 motorcycle seat is held in place by four retaining bolts. Remove the retaining bolts and the seat will come off.
yamaha VMAX 1200cc
there is no oil tank on a Vmax motorcycle. The only oil is in the crank case, and the shaft drive.
1998 1200 yamaha vmax
The Yamaha VMax is a cruiser motorcycle released to the North American consumer market in 2008. The maximum speed of this bike was approximately 190 miles per hour.
Yamaha started making the VMAX in 2008. The VMAX, however, is no longer being manufactured in 2013 though and is out of production at the moment with no plans for future production.
One of the problems with the 1989 Yamaha VMax is the sparking from the spark plug. Another problem is the leaking under the dashboard.
if its a first gen vmax any good 10w-40 motorcycle oil. i use mobil 1 4t motorcycle oil, some will say synthetics shorten the life of the clutch, i never had a problem, just stay away from automotive oil because they don't have the additives for a wet clutch.
Yamaha VMAX, Harley Davidson Low Rider S , BMW R18, Yamaha V-Star, Honda Rebel 1100 are some more reliable and comfortable motorcycles. But Harley Davidson is always top ranked.
Your VMAX does not use a separate transmission fluid. Your clutch is a wet clutch and uses the same oil as your engine. Use the manufacturers recemmended oil weight, either 10W-40 or 20W-50. I recommend a synthetic that is specially formulated for motorcycle wet clutch applications.