I lost my key for my 1980 Suzuki GS 550. Where is the digit key number for 1980 Suzuki GS 550 motorcycle as I lost the key? Thank you for your help, Ed from Smithtown NEW YORK
You can find a free wiring diagram for a 1982 Suzuki GS 550 in the owner's manual. You can sometimes even find them at auto part stores.
550 ml
How do you remove the starter selinoid on a kawasaki mule 550, 2000 model
underneath the left hand crankcase cover
The seat height of a 1981 Yamaha Maxim 550 is 29.3 inches. That height not really adjustable, but frame modifications would probably lower it.
It's under the seat
'77 - '82 .032 '83 - '86 .028
The 1980 Suzuki 550 motor holds three quarts of oil. The manufacturer recommends that you never overfill the motor oil.
Youtube has this answer in video
The 560 Model is "Roomier" in the Seat and Thigh.
I own a 1979 GS 550L and regularly get 45 MPG, sometimes a bit more.