Vulcan 1500 is a Kawasaki.
When changing out the oil in a motorcycle it is important to know the amount of oil to put back in. For a 2001 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 a person needs to buy 3 quarts of oil.
Acetevo 10W-40
look on the kawaski website
there is a site glass on right side of engine about mid ways of brake petal Where should the oil leve be in the site glass when the oil level is full?
1998 Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500
kendall 20/50 (
Classic and Nomad, Yes. Drifter, No.
what engine will interchange with a 1997 kawasaki vulcan 1500
Check the MOM
Electrical wiring on a 96 vulcan 1500
1500 steps