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hey duma$$, real (old time) HD riders, want to know,how to do it themselves.

if i wanted to give the dealer money id be a freakin' yuppie 'Rolex-rider'

ridin' before you wete crappin' in yer diaper

still be ridin after yer doin' it in yer 'depends'

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Q: How do you adjust the idle on your Harley Davidson?
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How do you adjust the idle on a 2001 harley-davidson ultra classic?

Take it to the dealer

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You don't.

How do you adjust idle on a 1998 harley Davidson sportster?

"Idle" can mean two things: idle speed, and idle mixture. Both of these are on the carburettor. Idle speed is adjusted via a screw that is on the throttle control cam. Turning this screw will change the RPMs of the machine at idle. The idle mixture changes the amount of gas that flows during idling, and can be changed by a screw inside a round recession on the bottom of the carb.

Where can one purchase a Harley Davidson Ultra?

A Harley Davidson Ultra can be purchased from a Harley Davidson dealership. On their website you can locate the nearest Harley Davidson dealership to you.

How do you adjust rear shocks on a 2008 Harley Davidson Low Rider?

You cannot. Stock shocks are not adjustable.

Where can Harley Davidson GPS be bought?

One can purchase a Harlet Davidson GPS from Preston-Harley Store, New Castle Harley-Davidson and Warrs websites. One can also purchase it from Chester-Harley-Davidson and Harley-Davidson.

What does Harley Davidson EVO stand for?

EVOEvolution Engine (Harley-Davidson Motorcycles)

When was Harley Davidson born?

1903 The "Harley" of Harley-Davidson was William Sylvester Harley. He was born on December 29, 1880. In 1903 he co-founded Harley-Davidson Motor Company with Arthur Davidson.

Where can someone purchase speakers for a Harley Davidson motorcycle?

One may purchase speakers for a Harley Davidson motorcycle in-shop at the nearest Harley Davidson dealership. Harley Davidson speakers can also be bought off the Harley Davidson website.

What is the population of Harley-Davidson?

Harley-Davidson's population is 6,300.