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Q: How did the explorers navigate and plot a courses of the Pole Star?
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How do you navigate on a boat?

pole star is the navigating icon as a last resort.

How is the pole star useful to humans?

The Pole Star appears to be stationary in the Northern sky, while other stars move in a circular orbit as the earth rotates. Once the Pole Star is found, people can use the pole to navigate should a compass is not available.

How do you find the South Star?

While there is a "North Star" - Polaris - there is no "south star". There are no stars bright enough to notice that are especially close to being over the South Pole. There is a constellation, the Southern Cross, which sort-of points toward the South Pole, but that's not really close enough to navigate by.

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The sextant helped explorers by allowing them to determine their latitude at sea by measuring the angle between the horizon and the sun or a star. This helped navigators plot their position on a map and accurately navigate the vast oceans.

How did the north star help Phoenician trade?

It allowed them to navigate out of the sight of land and so take direct courses across the Mediterranean Sea and into the Atlantic and to Britain.

How the North Star helped Phoenician trade?

It allowed them to navigate out of the sight of land and so take direct courses across the Mediterranean Sea and into the Atlantic and to Britain.

During the 1400s and 1500s explorers used a compass and the North Star to navigate across the ocean. What is this system of navigation called?

what explorer used th compass in the 1400s

Which star will not be the pole star some day?

Polaris, also known as the north star or pole star.

What metaphors does Sonnet 116 use to describe the steadiness of love?

Shakespeare says that love: is the star to every wandering bark, In Shakespeare's time, many ships used to navigate by plotting a course according to the Pole Star (which is always due North, when viewed from north of the Equator). Shakespeare says that love is as reliable as the Pole Star, you can steer your life by it.

What is the north star and how did it help explorers?

The North Star is a star that where ever you are, when you look at it, that is north. It helped explorers to know which way is north;)

Why pole star is called dhruv tara in Hindi?

The pole star is called "Dhruv Tara" in Hindi because it appears stationary in the northern sky, aligned with the Earth's axis of rotation. In Hindu mythology, Dhruv was a devoted young boy who was blessed by Lord Vishnu with immortality and a place in the heavens, hence the star being named after him.

Why pole star called dhruv tara in Hindi?