At the bottom of the muffler there is a cap. undo the screw and take the cap off for about 10mph boost.. note removing the muffler cap makes the bike noiseier
Raw egg is used as a conditioning treatment when applied to the hair. It will not make the hair grow any faster.
It may, I've never tried it. From what I have heard, raw egg can help reduce breakage and also make your hair silky smooth...especially if you mix it with a little olive oil.
i think its because caster sugar has smaller particles!!:)
A raw egg would break 'faster' but it depeneds on what you mean by faster. If you mean it would break easier then yes, it would be a raw egg. This is because a cooked egg's calcium shell has become harder, thus the term 'hard boiled egg'.
Both hard n raw eggs
Yes. And much faster.
There are somethings you can eat to make this go away faster. Eating things with vitamins A and E should be helpful, raw garlic should also help in making this go away faster.
the raw material is raw meat from a cow.
you get crapet
you cant
30 minutes to an hour.
Burre Manie....