The Harley Davidson Springer is a softail motorcycle that has a springer front end. The springer has an extra spring loaded shaft that helps for the front wheel's suspension.
It's a softail with a springer front end installed. The springer front end has an extra spring loaded/shock assisted shaft that the axle mounts to for the front wheel's suspension. Some people add springer front ends to other models as well.
Wheel bearing, CV joints, balljoints, "rack" steering... just about anything that's loose in the suspension.
Since there are so many sizes and styles of Springer front ends there is a wide price range. You can find some for under $300 and others for over $3000.
how do you remove front tire on 02 softail springer
Could be many reasons - tires may be out of balance, front suspension may be worn, shocks could be worn (or all of the above).
Only at low speeds, or worst at low speeds? Either way it's probably a bad front tire. Failing that, bad front wheel rim or front wheel rim not properly secured to the hub.
There are both a heritage classic(softail) is a heritage classic springer and the other a heritage classic which has inverted forks...both have fat tires/spokes and a light on top the front fender.The light on top the front fender is that heritage look.
wheel bearings are to loose
Not a chance. The front wheel has no way to attach the rear rotor.
Low speeds indicate shifted belts in the tires. If it also pulls to one side, try rotating that side front to back.
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