Harley Davidson recommends it (Citco I think)
but No!!! Just use the correct weight for your motor, time of year and how you ride it!
I use Harley Davidson 20w50 in my 2003 883 and in my 2005 wide glide. Bel Ray also makes good oil for v twins, alot of my freinds use it. Also, you will need one quart of Sport-Trans for the primary/transmission oil.
Recommended oil is 20w50
3.5 qts
Use HD oil only and if you can afford use synthetic
should be 20-50 wt harley oil but check with your dealer first..
I am not sure of viscosity, but if you have Harley Davidson on your fuel tank, you should use Harley Davidson lubricants. H. D. primary and trans lube or H.D. 20/50 synthetic motor oil will work just fine.