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You should definetely buy insurance, otherwise known as a warranty in this case. The quad could be totaled during an accident and if you dont have insurance, you will need to buy a whole new quad.

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Q: Do we need insurance for a strictly off road quad?
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Do you need insurance tax and MOT to ride a quad bike on the road?

motorcycle insurance, like most other insurance, involves a labyrinth of unfamiliar terms and hoops to jump through when it comes to getting the cheapest insurance. For More:This answer is for UK citizens only.

Is a Shineray a good quad brand?

Iv just got A shineray quad an it's really good fun for the road cheep insurance with bikesure. So to ur answer as a first quad bike. Yes

Can you drive a 164cc quad bike on the motorway?

If it is road legal and you have a full driving licence and insurance you can ride it on a motorway.

How old do you have to be to take your quad test?

You don't need a license to drive a quad in most states or provinces. Its illegal on the road so there is no permit to drive it. Just off road.

What age do you have to be to drive a road legal quad on the road in the UK?

To drive a road legal quad in the UK you need to be the same age as you would be to drive a car or ride a motorcycle, a minimum of 17 years of age.

When doing an insurance quote on a quad what category would it be under?

I suspect either as an off road vehicle or farm equipment.

Do you need a full motorcycle license to ride a quad on the road?

in short if you passed after 2001 you will need a Full CAR

Where can your son ride his 50cc quad in Wales?

The same traffic regulations exist in Wales as they do in England. If the quad is road registered and he has a licence, current MOT, road tax and insurance cover he can ride it on the roads. If it is not road registered it can only legally or he does not have a licence it can only be used on private land, with the permission of the land owner.

Do you have to have insurance in Kentucky to drive a motorcycle?

== == Yes. Any vehicle driven on public roads requires you to have insurance. A strictly off road vehicle, as in (Dirt Bike), that is not street legal requires no insurance.

Which license do you need to ride a road legal quad bike?

In UK at least a full B1 you cannot ride a quad on a motorbike just need a full UK drivers license to drive a quad (if your in the UK), you also don't need to wear a helmet as its not a legal issue :D

Can you drive a quad on the road?

Some people can actually drive their quad on the road. These people have gotten the right paperwork to do so.

You got stopped by police by ridding a quad with no insurance will you get a fine?

you should if you were on a public road or not whereing a helmet I know in new jersey it is illegal to do so