Jamey Sheridan's birth name is James Patrick Sheridan.
Jamey Sheridan was born on July 12, 1951.
Jamey Sheridan is 6' 0 1/2".
Jamey Sheridan was born on July 12, 1951.
Jamey Sheridan is 60 years old (birthdate: July 12, 1951).
Jamey has two brothers, Marty and Rory and a sister, Terry, I believe.
Jamey Sheridan left Law and Order Criminal Intent due to health issues. Sheridan is suffering from Bell's palsy and asked to be written out of the show.
Jamey Sheridan had surgery to remove an eye due to a detached retina.
Living on planet Earth currently.
Jamey Sheridan wore an eyepatch on Law and Order: Criminal Intent because his character, Captain James Deakins, was injured in the line of duty. It added a touch of mystery and badassery to his character, making him even more intriguing to viewers. Plus, let's be real, who doesn't look cool as hell rocking an eyepatch?
Yes, Taylor Sheridan and Nicolette Sheridan are related. They are siblings. Taylor Sheridan is an American screenwriter, director, and actor known for his work on films such as "Sicario" and "Hell or High Water," while Nicolette Sheridan is a British actress known for her roles in TV shows like "Desperate Housewives" and "Knots Landing."
Miranda Lambert's White Liar Video Featured Jamey Johnson As A Preacher.