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No... Polaris is another name for the North star - which is only visible in the Northern hemisphere.

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Q: Can you see polaris from south pole?
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Would Polaris be overhead if you were at the South Pole?

No, Polaris would not be overhead if you were at the South Pole. The North Star -- Polaris -- is not visible from the Southern Hemisphere.

Why an observer in the southern hemisphere cannot see the star polaris?

Polaris, the North Star, is located near the North Celestial Pole which is visible only from the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, there is no bright star close to the South Celestial Pole like Polaris because the South Celestial Pole does not have a similarly positioned bright star. Therefore, observers in the Southern Hemisphere cannot see Polaris due to its location in the sky.

Is polaris South in Australia?

No. Polaris is located almost directly over the north pole and so is never visible in the southern hemisphere. There is no corresponding star for the south pole.

Why do people who live in Australia never see Polaris?

People who live in Australia can indeed see the star Polaris. They just have to visit the northern hemisphere to do it. The earth's axis has a reasonably stable orientation toward north/south; thanks to the stabilizing effect of the moon, it doesn't swing wildly out of place. So people viewing the sky from closer to the north pole can see the northern sky and not the southern sky. People viewing the sky from closer to the south pole can see the southern sky and not the northern. Polaris is very close to the point the north pole actually points to, which is why it is called 'Polaris', the pole star.

Can you see the north star in the south pole?

No, the North Star cannot be seen from the South Pole. The North Star is located directly above the North Pole, so it is not visible from locations in the southern hemisphere. Instead, there is a different star called the South Celestial Pole that serves as a reference point for navigation in the southern hemisphere.

Who is Polaris?

We generally think of Polaris as the Pole Star, but there are other uses. Click on the link below to see what they are.

Can the southern hemisphere people see the pole star Why?

The elevation of Polaris (the North Star) above the Northern horizon is almostequal to the North latitude of the place where you are when you see it.That means that when you stand on the Equator, the North Star is exactlyON the Northern horizon, and if you stand anywhere South of the Equator,the North Star is always BELOW the horizon.But . . .Everybody in the Southern hemisphere CAN see the SOUTH pole of the sky,which nobody in the Northern hemisphere can ever see.Sadly, there's no bright star anywhere near the South pole of the sky,to mark it the way Polaris marks the sky's North pole for us.

What is the names of north and south stars?

The North Star is called Polaris. There is no visible star particularly close to the south pole.

Where are circumpolar constellations visible?

Anywhere, except right at the equator. For example: Somebody who lives 10 degrees south of the equator will see a region with a radius of 10 degrees, around the south pole of the sky, as circumpolar.

What is your location if the South celestial pole appears on your meridian at an altitude of 30 degrees in the south?

If there were a way to see the south celestial pole, and it was 40 degrees above the horizon, then you would be somewhere along the line of 40 degrees south latitude. Unfortunately, there is no star at or near the south celestial pole, so there is no way for you to see the south celestial pole and observe its elevation.

Where do you have to be on earth to see the south celestial pole directly overhead?

At the south pole.

What does Polaris stand for?

Polaris stands for the pole star. since it is located directly above the north pole.