No, but you can buy aftermarket Meyer plastics to make it look more like a raptor.
I'm not an ATV rider, but as far as I know the 350 Raptor does not come with an hour meter on it. You have to put one on from aftermarket products.
No, you can not.
If you want to put just the yfz450 shocks on a raptor 350 and not buy new A-Arms because you can buy extenders. Because i just bought their +6" A-Arm extension kit on eBay They have a kit specifically made to fit the 450 shocks on the raptor 350. It is under 100$ and its way cheaper than wider A-Arms. http:/
the capacity of the 94 warrior would be aproximatly 3.1L.but what I'm triing to find out is what is the best oil to put in mine, I've been told to put 80W90 in my 350 is that ok,apperently these are factory spec???
Put on the speedometer on speed and rev it then let it rip or buy a booster from argos and put it on
no it does not have a kickstart option from the factory, but there are some aftermarket companies that do make a conversion kit to put a manual kickstarter on your warrior
take the cover off pull the old ones off slide new clutch on then put the cover back on.
About 2.5 Quarts of 10w 40 wet clutch oil.
Yes it will i had a gytr 660r and put a raptor 700 motor on it
ive been working with the warrior for many years and even i cant rebuild a carb ground up. the 350 warrior has its modifications for every rider but i want to put my carb back to stock spects and ive been working on it for a while its a very suficitated objec that needs to be delt with in the hands of a professional.
What you are looking for is EP80W/90 MANUAL TRANSMISSION FLUID. It is manufactured by Castrol, one of its PROTECTOR SERIES Oils. Castrol Manual Transmission Fluid EP80W/90 is manufactured for EXTREME PRESSURE engines, such as your 350 Warrior.
my friend has a 660 raptor, hers has stuff done to it ans hers clocks out at 94mph. i think a good 700 raptor will go 90+ will my raptor 700R goes 100+ mph but i also put after market stuff on it