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Yes, their engines are small enough that they are not classified as "motor vehicles."

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Q: Can you drive an electric bike or moped in Florida with a suspended driver license?
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Can you drive with a foreign driver's license in the US if you have a suspended Florida drivers license?

It is not legal to drive with a foreign driver\'s license in the US if you have a suspended Florida driver\'s license. You will need to resolve the suspension in order to drive legally.

Can you drive with a foreign driver's license in the united states if you have a suspended Florida driver license?

No. Not only is your license suspended, but so is your very privilege to drive, on any license.

Can you drive in the US with a drivers license from a foreign country if you have a suspended Florida drivers license?

You can drive in the US with a driver\'s license from a foreign country if you have a suspended Florida driver\'s license, but you will be breaking the law.

In the state of Florida your driver's license can be suspended indefinitely for failure to pay child support?

In the state of Florida, your driver's license can be __________ for failure to pay child support.

Can your driver's license get suspended in the state of Florida if your insurance is cancelled?

Acually no, it will just get towed.

What can you get your drivers license suspended for?

Your driver license may be suspended for:

Can you lose your drivers license for driving in Pennsylvania with a suspended registration?

Your driver's license will not be suspended in Pennsylvania if you have a suspended registration. A driver's license can be suspended for driving without insurance or if you get a DUI.

How do you surrender your drivers license in Florida if it has already been suspended?

You don't need to surrender your driver's license, it isn't valid and they don't usually take it. If you are stopped, it will come up as suspended.

If my driver's license is suspended in one state can I get a driver's license in California?


What state can you get a driver license in if you have a suspended Indiana driver license?


Can you get an Arizona Driver's license if your California Driver's license is suspended?

No, you can't.