stock KX60 ... 15HP
about 15 hp
without mods no
ngk br9eix
5 total gears
abouut 3-4 ft high
Im pretty sure you have to take the side panels off (:
You might need to replace the kick start gears
The shift pattern for a Kawasaki KX60 dirt bike is typically N-1-2-3-4. This means that neutral is selected by half-kicking down, first gear by fully pushing down, and subsequent gears are reached by lifting the shift lever up multiple times.
If it's a 2-stroke engine then you mix the oil with the gasoline something like PJ Lube it should tell you the proper mixture ratio on the gas cap.
It can be raised to any power.It can be raised to any power.It can be raised to any power.It can be raised to any power.
his parents raised him his parents raised him