sixteen, unless its a little kids ATV then its like 10, or 12
Yes as long as they fit the quad and have ATV safety training and aquire a training certificate.
what year is Yamaha ATV serial number jy4am02y92c018363
old age .just a year is enough.
I heard you have to be at least 10+ to ride by yourself... and5+ to ride with an adult
They can't sign the rental agreement.
a good size quad for an avrage sized 12 year old not a fat one is a 125cc for kids
i would get a 1cc since your probably a fail. lol
10 year old was born in 2000.
Yes. It is very good. Thats realy good for a 10 year old Thats realy good for a 10 year old Thats realy good for a 10 year old Thats realy good for a 10 year old Thats realy good for a 10 year old