Yes, there are many technical schools that offer online degrees. Most technical schools such as ITT Tech offer on campus degrees as well as online schools.
You can find a motorcycle repairs school in New York at You can also try and search for more results.
For a motorcycle technician it is not so much the degree that is required as it is experience. There are programs available at community colleges and technical schools to get you started in the field if you do not know someone.
Universal Technical Institution is said to be a very good school for certification in the repairing field.
Yes, there are schools in Austin, Texas that offer online technical training. You can see them at
There are some schools that purport to give adequate online motorcycle repair training, but you won't get a good education without a hands-on element.
Among the top motorcycle training schools in the U.S.A. are: Ashworth College online school, ATI Career Training Center in Texas, Wyo Tech in California & Florida, Lincoln Technical Institute in Connecticut, YTI Career Institute in Pennsylvania, and Universal Technical Institute in Arizona & Florida. These would be the top schools for anyone in the United States, depending on where you want to attend.
You can find some online technical schools for someone to attend. Some of them are:,, or also
This site will gives you a listing of motorcycle mechanic schools in Florida. It is
Yes, there are many technical schools in Denver. I would look into ITT Tech because they have the best reputation,
California does have several trade schools. Some examples include ITT Technical Institute, Northwestern Technical College, and TechSkills. ITT Technical Institute is probably the most reputable among them.
You have not given me any information pertaining to where you live, therefore, i am not able to answer your question about having a technical school near where you live.