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it was used to cut or crush things.

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Q: A stone age chopper is used for what?
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What technological devices was out during the stone age?

One of the technological that were out during the stone age was a hand ax,chopper,flint knife,and a flint knife

What are four examples of a stone age tool?

a spear, a chopper, a flint knife and a hand axe

What are the difference between iron age and stone age?

the stone age used different resources . the stone age used stone and the iron age used iron

What is a chopper stone tool?

A chopper stone tool is a primitive tool made by early humans by flaking one or both sides of a stone to create a sharp edge. This tool was typically used for chopping, cutting, and scraping tasks in the Paleolithic era. It is considered one of the earliest forms of stone tools used by hominins.

What is the name of the age in which humans used stone tools?

Stone Age

Was metallurgy used in the stone age?

No. That's why they called it the stone age.

Why was the Stone Age called the Stone Age by Archeologists and historians?

because the people then used mainly stone for tools and weapons

Is there a difference between stone age bone flute and stone age stone flute?

Yes, bone flutes are made of BONE, and stone flutes are made of STONE. They were both used during the Stone Age

What came first the stone age or the bronze age?

The difference between the Stone and Bronze Age is that during the Stone Age, people used stone to make tools and weapons. During the Bronze Age, people used bronze to make tools and jewelry. In the Bronze Age, the first metal that people used to make tools and jewelry was copper.

What was the use of bone hook in stone age?

In the Stone age, bone hooks were used for fishing.

How do you use the word Stone Age in a sentence?

People in the Stone Age used primitive tools made from stone to survive.

How did the old stone age become the new stone age?

The old stone age became the new stone age by going through the middle stone age. The difference has to do with the way the tools were made. The new stone age began with bifurcated stone arrows and spear points. Bifurcated stone tools could also be adapted for agricultural purposes. Spears could be used as pruning hooks. Swords could be used as plowshares.