70 mph
no it does not... the broshure (however you spell it) under transmission says "5-speed manual clutch" same goes for the internet site the Kawasaki KFX 450R does and is why it is what i will invest my money in no it does not... the broshure (however you spell it) under transmission says "5-speed manual clutch" same goes for the internet site the Kawasaki KFX 450R does and is why it is what i will invest my money in
if all quads are stock then the kfx and yfz will be quicker than the 700 but the 700 wil win in the long run because of its massive top speed, IMO the kfx will beat the yfz
It is fast but not the fastest 4-Wheeler.
A factory spec Kawasaki KFX 400 will run about 85-90 mph. This is without any modifications to the body or engine, which can alter the speed with for the faster or slower.
What type oil for kfx80?
Nothing, Kawasaki seems to have simply renamed it for a year then reverted back to KFX in 2010
just google it... it will be much faster than waiting for someone to give you the answer. are you seriously that lazy?