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Why should the onus be on the US to provide protection against the current pirate situation when so many other nations' hostages are being held?

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Q: Why are the cargo ships in Somolia waters not armed to protect against pirates?
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they die and die

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Did sailors and pirates get along?

No, pirates would plunder and steal from anyone on "their" waters. They got along with no one.

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by not liter in the waters.

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When and where did baseball player Fred Waters play?

Fred Waters debuted on September 20, 1955, playing for the Pittsburgh Pirates at Forbes Field; he played his final game on September 23, 1956, playing for the Pittsburgh Pirates at Forbes Field.

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They are in the waters around Padres del Fuego and Isla Tormenta.

Is it legal for mercenaries hired by cargo ship companies to shoot and kill somali pirates?

If the Somalian pirates are threatening or attacking the ship, yes, it is perfectly legal for the mercenaries to shoot at and kill the pirates. And they have done. The mercenaries are hired to protect the ship and the crew. They are often armed with automatic assault rifles for shooting at sea, automatic sub machine guns for shooting at pirates who have boarded the ship (smaller space = smaller guns) and handguns as a secondary. Some larger corporations may also include a LAW rocket launcher for sinking small vessels. The British and French navy also patrol waters where pirates are known and attack or detain them. Piracy is just as illegal today as it was hundreds of years ago, and the fight against it is still on.

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The Bahamas. They made a film set on one of the deserted cays.

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The Clean Water Act of 1972 significantly strengthened regulations against dumping waste in US waters by establishing standards for water quality, requiring permits for discharges, and banning the discharge of pollutants into navigable waters without a permit. The Act also created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enforce these regulations and protect water quality.

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Why did the red sea protect the Egyptians?

It did not protect the Egyptians at all, as soon as the Israelites crossed the red sea , and the Egyptians followed them the waters drowned them all.