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Some technology that are used on boats are mac laptops ipads GPS and sonar navigation

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Q: What types of technology are on boats that are used for shipping?
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What is rowing boats made of?

Rowing boats used to be made out of wood. But due to our more advanced technology nowadays, many rowing boats are made of fiberglass.

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Boat docks are most commonly used for the departure and arrival of boats and ships. Boat Docks are also used for loading and unloading cargo such as when using boats for shipping.

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German submarines, or "U-boats", did not CONTROL the shipping lanes, but they were able to intercept and sink a large number of cargo vessels sailing between North America and Europe.

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A type of weeds used to build boats in the past were rushes. These look like tiny sticks of bamboo, are hollow, and they float. They are not suitable for large boats, but can be used to make rafts and very small boats.

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martin Frobisher used boats. he used the gabrial. that was in his first voyage - Rebekah Thompson ;)

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