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Q: What is the possibilaty of getting fond by a modeling agency?
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Related questions

What does getting fond mean?

"Grew fond" or "grew fond of" means the more time you spend with someone or something, the more you liked them or it.

European Space Agency say that nasa fond live in mars but nasa have cover up the The fact that a courageous and say the truthstory why?

There is no evidence to support the claim that NASA has found life on Mars and is covering it up. Both NASA and the European Space Agency are actively engaged in Martian exploration and share findings with the scientific community. Any discovery of life on Mars would be a groundbreaking revelation and would not be kept secret.

What 4 letter word are children fond of getting as gifts?

it has "y" as its 3rd letter, btw

Do cats like getting stroke?

Yes , a domesticated cat is usually quite fond of being petted .

What does not fond mean?

He was fond of peas but not fond of spinach.He was not found of homework, but loved reading novels.As the opposite of fond, "not fond" means it isn't something you find pleasant or exciting.

Would you please give me example for using fond of?

Of course! Here is an example sentence using "fond of": "She is fond of reading books in her free time."

Is fond an adverb?

The word 'fond' is an adjective. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb. Like many adjectives, 'fond' can be converted into an adverb by adding 'ly' to make 'fondly'. Examples: "I have fond memories of my youth." ('fond' used as an attributive adjective) "I am fond of you." ('fond' used as a predicative adjective)

Is fond a preposition?

No, "fond" is not a preposition. It is an adjective that describes a feeling of affection or liking.

How do you use fond in a sentence?

i am fond for my friend

How can you put fond in a sentence?

He was very fond of her

What is an example of a sentence using the word fond?

The man was fond of all fattening foods.Fond of chocolate, I could eat a whole box within an hour!She felt fond of him.

What would you do if you were average sized with a belly that jiggles but very fond of getting fat would you gain weight or lose it?

Gain defanitly gain!