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To make a mountain out of a mole hill refers to making a big argument out of a very small matter.

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Q: What is the meaning of to make a mountain out of a hole hill?
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make a hole in the groundfill it with watermake a hill or moutain next to itput a hole in the top of the hill or mountainmake sure the edges of the mountain are small enough for water to go overif they aren't, use the smooth tool and put it on 1 square and flatten the edgesclick the waterfall toolselect both bits of waternow your waterfall should work

Do not make a mountain out of a mole?

It would be very difficult to make a mountain out of a tiny creature like a mole.The actual saying is 'Do not make a mountain out of a molehill' ,- - meaning don't make a big deal from a small incident

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Yes, "hole" is a noun. It refers to an empty space or opening in a solid object.

What can destroy a mountain and build a hill make a man go blind make a blind man see?

GOD time also works

Is she is like a mountain an idiom?

An idiom for a mountain is "Make a mountain out of a mole hill" this means to make something unimportant of simple to something very important and difficult.

What is an isolated hill?

An isolated hill is a hill that stands alone, without any other hills or mountains around it. It is separate from any larger mountain ranges or hills, and typically has distinct features that make it stand out in its surroundings.

When the problem was just a mole hil meaning?

The saying is,"don't make a mountain out of a mole hill." In other words,"pick your battles." Don't sweat the small stuff. You have to ignore most small problems so that you are not fighting and bickering all the time.

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We know nothing about the conditions within a black hole, but it seems unlikely that a black hole could exist within a black hole, or even if this concept would have any meaning at all.

What French words are combined to mean the word Vermont?

The French words vert, meaning green, and mont, meaning mountain, are combined to make the state name Vermont. And Vermont means green mountain.

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The letters that make up the "Hollywood" sign are white, and they are placed on top of a mountain/hill suggesting it is the home of the stars.

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The terrain in China is full of mountain, highlands, hills, and rivers. The tropics make up the southern parts of China.