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Side cutting plier is what most people think of as an electrical wire cutter. It's main job is cutting strands of wire.

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Q: What is the meaning of side cutting plier?
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Related questions

What is cutter plier?

It is a plier with sharp cutting faces to clip wires.

What is the function of side cutting plier?

Side cutting pliers are used in electronics, to clip off the wires of components once they have been soldered on to a board, without risking too much cutting into the solder.

Used of diagonal plier?

Diagonal plier is actually a curious misnaming, as it's main job is cutting wires.

What is the use of high leverage end cutting plier?

It's use is for cutting large wires.

What is the meaning of side cutting?


What is the function of side cutter plier?

Side cutters are pliers i haven't seen in the stores for a while. They had flat jaws and a small wire cutter on one side. A few of them were constructed so the jaws remained parallel. I have one pair dating from 1942 when they were made originally for the USAAF.

What is end cutting plier?

its a plierthat cuts ends of metal.NO - it is a pair of pliers that cut right at the end of the jaw, frequently a curved,pincer-like jaw. -Used for cutting heavy duty wire - not metal

Is code of combinition plier 8''?

combination Plier 8'' indian standard code

Can you put the word plier in a sentence?

Yes you can:The plier used his pilers to bend the wire.

What are Combination pliers?

it is plier with a combinition of gripping,cuttingand holding that's why it is called as a combinition plier.

What are the parts of plier?

There are only 3 parts, the 2 opposing sides and the rivet that connects them. Each of the opposing sides will consist of a handle and a nose, or tip. The tip will be used for gripping, bending or cutting.

What does plier mean in French?

It means fold. Hope that helped.!';