The frost depth refers to how deeply frost can penetrate into the ground. In Martinsville, Virginia, the frost depth is around 18 inches deep.
120 miles
The address of the Martinsville-Henry County Historical Society is: Po Box 432, Martinsville, VA 24114-0432
204 miles VIA US 460 East
It is 50 miles taking U.S. 220 SOUTH.
424 miles
664 miles
The address of the Piedmont Arts Association is: 215 Starling Ave, Martinsville, VA 24112-3832
It is 274 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Virginia Museum Of Natural History is: 21 Starling Ave, Martinsville, VA 24112-2921
The address of the Fayette Area Historical Initiative is: 504 Fayette St, Martinsville, VA 24112-2517
frost depth in eastern ohio
March 28, 1962 in Salisbury, Maryland.