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Thick vinyl pond liner.

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Q: What is the best material to line a homemade pond with?
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What is the best pond bottom material for promoting healthy aquatic life and maintaining water quality?

The best pond bottom material for promoting healthy aquatic life and maintaining water quality is a combination of gravel and sand. This material provides a stable substrate for beneficial bacteria to thrive, which helps to break down organic matter and improve water quality. Additionally, gravel and sand allow for proper oxygen and nutrient exchange, supporting a diverse ecosystem of plants and animals in the pond.

What material do you use to make the pond on harvest moon?


What kind of pond pump would be appropriate for a 200 gallon koi pond?

The best kind of pond pump for a two hundred gallon koi pond is an alpine pond pump. This would work best for this size pond because of it's size and power.

What material is the farm pond made out of in harvest moon ds?

you can choose the one you like the materials from worst to best fodder-->lumber-->stone-->golden lumber

How do I calculate the size of the liner I require to re-line my irregular-shaped garden pond?

If you're looking to re-line your garden pond, it's important to accurately calculate the size of liner you'll need. This can be a bit tricky if your pond has an irregular shape, but there are a few steps you can take to make the process easier. First, measure the length and width of your pond at its widest points. Then, measure the depth of the pond at several points to get an average depth. Next, use these measurements to calculate the surface area of the pond (length x width) and the volume of water it holds (surface area x average depth). Finally, add a few extra feet to your liner measurements to ensure you have enough material to cover any irregularities or folds in the pond.

Does it matter what material you use to build the pond on harvest moon?

If you mean in Harvest Moon DS or DS Cute, then yes. You must use Material Stone to build the Pond. No other material will work. In HMDS and Cute, you're not given any choice. There's no way to build the pond out of anything but stone- Gotz (the builder/woodcutter) doesn't give you the choice. I know it looks quite weird on your building page if you've built everything else out of Golden Lumber (as I managed to do) or another material, but the pond will never break. In answer to your question, nah. Don't worry about it.

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Where does a willow tree grow best?

By a pond or creek

What is the most common material used in pond liners?

EPDM rubber is the most common type of material used in pond liners due to the fact that it is safe for the fish and has no harsh chemicals. EPDM rubber is also the most flexible because it is made of rubber and is affordable.