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A ships accountant is called a "PURSER"

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Q: What is a ships accountant called?
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What is ships accountant called?


Someone who keeps accounts on ships?

Ship's Burser/Bursar/Purser, Ship Accountant, Cruise Ship Cost Accountant, Ship's Bookkeeper. Gopher, for instance.

Where can I find online jobs as an accountant?

You can find online jobs as an accountant at a website called, jobs There you will find all of the available lists for an accountant career.

What were the ships called in the potato famine?

the ships carrying emigrants were called "coffin" ships

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Coffin ships were called coffin ships because lots of people died on them

What do you call a person who keeps accounts for a business?

accountant bookkeeper

An independent accountant who performs financial audits is a?

An Independent accountant who performs financial audits are called "External Auditors".

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Because they were ships? Do you mean longships? They were long and thin.

What is the head of an accounting department called?

Chief accountant

An accountant is colloquially called what kind of counter?

A bean.

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An accountant

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Ships crew