

What is a ship bilges?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: What is a ship bilges?
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What was the purpose of the Archimedes screw?

Its Purpose was to irrigate and lift water From mines and Ship Bilges

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Its Purpose was to irrigate and lift water From mines and Ship Bilges

What is Bilgewater?

Bilgewater is the water which collects in the bilges of a ship, or, by extension, nonsense or silly talking or writing.

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The Archimedes screw is used for irrigating crops and liftin water from mines and ship bilges.

What is the basement of a boat called?

The lowest deck on a multi-decked ship is referred to as the Orlop deck. Below this are the bilges and in some cases double bottom tanks or spaces for ballast.

Deck for poorest ship passengers?

In the early days of passenger liners the cheapest tickets were in 'steerage', the lowest deck just above the bilges.

Why should bilges be kept clean?

To stop pollution

Why should bilges be kept clean of free of trash?

to not get trashy

Why ships need pumps?

For several reasons, for instance: * To fill up or empty the ballast tanks. * To supply fuel to the engine. * In the case of a tanker ship: to load and discharge the cargo. * The supply drinking water to the accommodation * The empty the bilges (system for draining the unwanted water falling in the holds or other parts of the ship).

What is the name for people born in brussels?

Bilges it might be spelt differently

Why should bilges should be kept clean and free of trash?

to not get trashy

Why should bilges be kept clean and free of oil?

to reduce the risk of pollution