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The science of process of distribuiting weights (cargo, fuel, ballast, etc.) to ensure optimum trimming, and adequate stability.

On a ship, trim is the difference between the forward draft and the after draft, however, when you refer to "trim and stability", the concept also refers to the concept of list (side to side inclination).

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Q: What does the term Trim mean on a ship?
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What does the nautical term trim mean?

a boating term

Is trim a slang term?

It can be. It can be a reference to sex. It can also mean a haircut, as in "just a trim." The word "trim" means either slim or slender, or to make something thinner or more slender.

What does ltftrm2 mean on your obd 2 scanner?

Long term fuel trim, Bank 2

How do you compute trim and stability of the ship?

use a rudder

Purpose of a trim cruiser navy?

The term "Trim Cruiser" is an old nautical reference used during the days of sailing vessels in the Navy, not a reference to a specific class of ship. A "Trim Cruiser" in nautical terms referred to a sailing ship whose sails were "trimmed", i.e., rigged to get the most out of the available wind. With modern vessels, it's a reference to a ship that's getting the best headway/speed given her propulsion and the current ocean environment in which it's operating.

Explain the effect of trim in ships on tank soundings?

Trim in ships refers to the difference in draft between the bow and stern of the vessel. When a ship has a trim, it can affect the accuracy of tank soundings because the liquid in the tanks may not be level due to the sloping nature of the ship. This can lead to misleading readings and potential errors in estimating cargo quantity. It is important for crew members to account for trim when taking tank soundings to ensure accurate measurements.

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A ship full of synthesizers? no idea sorry!

Where did the term gingerbread trim originate?

in Mexico

What does ship share mean?

Traditionally the term, the ship shares, indicates that the ship is not sailing directly towards its objective but rather sailing in a weaving or wavering fashion. An alternative interpretation would be ownership of part of a ship.

What does the term 'upper berth' mean on a cruise ship?

On a cruise ship, the term "Upper Berth" could mean the top bunk in a crew member's cabin or older ship. On most newer cruise ships, "upper berth" means a fold-away wall-mounted bed in a passenger stateroom. Happy Sailing!

What does nar mean for a US Navy ship?

The term "NAR" doesn't refer to a Navy ship - it's the standard Navy acronym for Naval Air Reserve.

What term is commonly used to mean a room on a ship?

The term mostly commonly used is a cabin, but the terms compartment or quarters are also used!