How do you use a muskrat colony trap?
Muskrat colony traps can be used in a couple of ways. The first
is at the entrance of a bank den or a muskrat lodge. The colony
trap is simply placed as close as possible to the entrance of the
den or lodge. The doors to the trap only open in one direction
allowing multiple animals in, but they cannot escape. Another way
to use the trap is where you see underwater muskrat "runways".
These will often be a clear underwater path that muskrats
frequently travel. These areas will usually be slightly lower than
the surrounding area and usually free of debris if they have been
used recently. Again the trap is just placed on the underwater path
and the muskrats will enter it. Bait is generally not used in this
type of trap. The trap works because the muskrat tends to follow
the same path even if there is an obstruction in the way.