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stick to something immovable with glue.

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Q: What can you do to make a marble go slower than a feather?
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Why does a feather fall slower than a marble?

A feather falls slower than a marble due to air resistance or drag. The light and flat shape of the feather encounters more air resistance, which slows down its fall compared to the denser and more compact marble that falls faster.

How do you make a fether drop slower than a marble?

You can make a feather drop slower than a marble by increasing air resistance. This can be achieved by attaching a larger surface area to the feather like a parachute, which will increase the drag force acting on the feather as it falls. Additionally, reducing the weight of the feather compared to the marble will also contribute to its slower descent.

Why balloon fall slower than a marble?

The balloon falls slower than a marble because its buoyancy is greater and because its drag coefficient is greater.

How can a feather fall faster than a marble?

A feather can fall more slowly than a marble in air due to differences in their size, shape, and air resistance. The greater surface area of a feather compared to a marble causes more air resistance, which slows down the feather's fall. A denser object like a marble will fall faster than a less dense object like a feather because it overcomes air resistance more effectively.

What force that makes a feather drop slower than a hammer on earth?

Air resistance.

Why does heavier marble roll slower than a lighter marble down a slope?

Heavier marbles have more mass, so they have more inertia and resist acceleration more than lighter marbles. This results in slower acceleration and slower rolling speed down a slope compared to lighter marbles.

Why does a feather falling through the air slower than a brick?

A feather falls slower than a brick because of air resistance. The larger surface area of the feather allows more air resistance to act against it, slowing down its fall. The brick is denser and has a smaller surface area, so it falls faster due to less air resistance.

What would likely cause an inscription on marble gravestone to become more difficult to read over time?

The most important contributor to the erosion of marble gravemarkers is acid rain. Normal rain erodes marble also, but at a much slower rate than acid rain.

What would likely cause an inscription on a marble gravestone to become more difficult to read over time?

Exposure to harsh weather conditions such as rain, wind, and sunlight can erode the marble and cause the inscription to fade. Additionally, natural processes like moss and lichen growth can cover the inscription and obscure it over time.

Why a hammer falls faster than a feather if you drop them on earth?

A hammer falls faster than a feather when dropped on Earth because of gravity. Gravity pulls objects with mass towards the Earth at a constant rate of acceleration, regardless of their size or shape. Since the feather has more surface area and air resistance, it falls slower than the hammer, which is more dense and streamlined.

Why should you change your hypothesis?

You should change your hypothesis if the results from your experiments do not match what your hypothesis predicted. For instance, you make a hypothesis that a feather will fall at the same speed of a bowling ball. You drop both at the same time a number of times. You see that every time the bowling ball falls at a faster speed than the feather. You would have to change your hypothesis since it doesn't match your results. Your new hypothesis would be that a feather falls at a slower rate than a bowling ball.

Why does a feather having a mass of 9 grams fall from a table to the floor slower than a 9 gram ping pong ball falling the same distance?

this is because of air resistance which increases with surface area of feather. however if there is no air resistance (only vacuum) both feather and ball will fall together.