

What are wooden houses called?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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log cabin

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Q: What are wooden houses called?
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Most of the Bahamians who cannot afford the modern houses live in the wooden houses called the Plank Houses.

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What are wooden houses?

People like to refer to wooden houses as log cabins, or lodges.

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they lived in wooden houses..... I think? oh by the way they did not have any electricity

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wooden houses are very comfortable during summer because like building flats are not comfortable and wooden houses are made from wood so in the summer they are comfortable.

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wooden plank houses

What were the Chinooks houses like?

they were called plank houses and were made of long flat planks of cedar wood on a wooden frame. they looked like old European houses. i hope i answered your question. goodbye

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Native americans built houses called tepees.

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same houses other countries do brick houses and some have wooden

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Wooden houses