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Ship,boat,life boat,submarine and motor boat

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13y ago
  • Boat

  • Barrels

  • Ship

  • Sailboat

  • Barge

  • Submarine

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Q: What are the examples of water transport?
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Examples of water transportation?

There are several examples of water transport. The most common example is a truck that carries water bottles to residential and commercial customers. You can also find water wells, along with pipes that transport water to homes and offices.

Give three examples of methods of transportation?

air, water,land transport

What are two examples of passive transport?

Two examples of passive transport are simple diffusion, where molecules move across a membrane from an area of high concentration to low concentration, and facilitated diffusion, where molecules move across a membrane with the help of specific transport proteins.

What are non examples of diffussion?

Non-examples of diffusion include: the movement of water through a sieve as it is strained, the transport of sugar through a water filter, the spread of information through a radio broadcast.

Osmosis and diffusion are examples of passive transport?

Yes, osmosis and diffusion are both examples of passive transport.

What are examples of active transport?

yes they are

What are examples of passive transport?


What is the way of transportation of Romania?

Examples: highway, railway, air transport, naval transport.

Phagocytosis and pinocytosis are examples of?

active transport

What are examples of when a solid is transported from one place to another by a fluid?

One example is a slurry such as those used to transport coal or by Syncor to transport petroleum coke. Another would be sedimentation of river water to form a colloid which transports mud or clay downstream.

What is a nutrient that uses passive transport?

Water uses passive transport to move across cell membranes. This means that water can move freely through the cell membrane without the need for energy expenditure by the cell.

Which is cheapest mode of transport?

water transport