Green studs are on the slip loads. Entrance & ExitsRed studs are on hard shoulder.White studs between lanesAmber studs at central reservation.
Typically studs are 16 inches between their centers,leaving 15 inches in between.Some times that can decreased to 12 inches or increased to 20 inches.
Studs are vertical framing members in a wall that support the structure, while noggins are horizontal pieces placed between the studs to provide additional support or bracing. Noggins are typically used to strengthen wall framing or to provide a fixing point for finishes or fixtures.
A stud cavity refers to the space between vertical framing members, known as studs, in a wall. These cavities are commonly used to run plumbing, electrical wiring, or insulation within a building's walls.
That is the thickness of the studs, -the inside of the wall.
wheel studs? head studs?
You need to have good backing between the studs. We use 2x8 or 2x10. I have had many jobs that the plans call for mounted tv's.
Soccer boots are lower cut and and 6 studs - rugby boots are cut slightly high at the ankle and can have 8 studs
Between carriageway and central reservation