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If water is absorbed it will be tougher like glue.

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Q: Is wood easier to split wet or dry?
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Why are dry wooded areas at high risk of fire in the hot season?

dry wood is easily caught on fire. When wood is wet it cant catch fire. That's why when you make a camp fire you want dry wood. It lights easier and burns better.

Does wet wood make dark smoke or does dry wood?

Wet wood, vegetation, and plastics will make a thick, dark smoke that should not be breathed in. Dry wood and dead leaves make a thinner, grayish smoke.

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Easier if wet, wash hands first.

What is wet wood?

Wet wood is wood that contains a high amount of moisture. This can happen when wood is not properly seasoned or stored in a damp environment. Wet wood can be difficult to burn efficiently and can produce more smoke and less heat compared to dry wood.

Is it eaiser to french braid hair wet or dry?

its easier wet:P

When using glue on split wood do you drive nails in when the glues wet or dry?

wet...predrill for nails before you drive them inANS 2 - If you're driving nails in, why bother to glue it. - I would glue it, then clamp it with woodwork clamps and it will hold better than nails.

Can you stain new cedar wood that is wet?

No. It is recommended that you let it dry before staining

How do you start a fire in the rain?

You will need to find a dry location such as a cave or build a shelter. You can't start a fire with wet wood so you will need to find dry kindling such as wood under leaves or thick trees that haven't gotten to wet.

When you get a haircut should your hair be wet or dry?

Wet, because it's easier for the hair to "cooperate" under the scissors. Dry haircuts don't come out well and your hair can go "bonkers". It is true......There is more control when the hair is wet, but when texturizing, hair should be dry.

Why is it easier to tear wet paper and not dry paper?

Wet paper fibers are weakened due to moisture, making them softer and more prone to breaking. This weakens the paper's structure, making it easier to tear compared to dry paper where the fibers are stronger and more tightly bound together.

How much can wood bend before it breaks?

It depend on many factors, width, thickness length, - type of wood hard or soft and if the wood is wet or dry