no you have to buy an american girl doll when you buy the doll it should come with a code.
you cant make an american girl doll you have to by one on ebay,any used stores or new at the american girl place
They don't make American Girl Dolls in the American Girl Doll Place. They are made in China and shipped to the American Girl Place Stores to be sold.
What you have to do if you don't have a star code in my American girl is click on play now and and it will give you a fake person and you take a tour or if you want to really make one you have to buy a my American girl doll.
The American girl company does. They find a good message for kids and then they make that into a story. From the story, they make a doll.
Make it a dresser! (for your doll)
It can be 1,2,3,4,5,6,6,7,8,9-1000000000
American girl is like Build-A-Bear workshop. You go to the facility where they carry American Girl dolls and you make one.
Yes! There are instructions how to in one of the American Girl 2011 magazine's. You can also buy one from American Girl.
No ...the ag flute does not make sounds.
you can. 1.Click on shop when you get there. 2.Click on dolls 3.An add for my American girl dolls will come up. 4.Click on it 5.Then you can make your doll but you have to add it to your to see it on your doll with other items
To loan a doll at the American Girl Cafe, it is free. AG wants to make sure you can enjoy your meal with a doll so they have free dolls to loan.