If it's a virus related then it will take up alot of space, but if it's fairly safe then it won't take up much room. If your computer blocks it, then it is probably dangerous to your laptop or computer.
It cost $99.99 for registration and $10 a month for automatic updates to your game maker.
It depends what sort of game you want to make. RPGMaker can make only RPGs but it's much easier than Game Maker.
You can download the Lite Edition of Game Maker for free, however, the Pro Edition of Game Maker costs $20.00 US Dollars.
Well, majority universities that offer you that you can be a game creator by joining our program, ask you for atleast bachelour's degree n computer science...... Hope you find it usefull........
I would say 8-15 GB, what I did was I uninstalled the game and it saved me space cause it also copies maps and game data. So, if you have a high amount of space on your computer, you should be fine, but if you are tight, you will have to install the game again, however it will save you space.
The coffee maker is only 18x12, so it won't take up any more space than a normal coffee maker.
depends if computer 2002 is a virus or a game
1 byte
About 4GB