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How much does it cost to build a home? Same question, really. Except you're "fixing" instead of "building" here. Costs will vary as the extent of the projects fluctuates. But you knew that, yes? Are you planning on doing the work yourself, or having it done? A bit of both? The more you can do yourself, the less you spend, or the more you have to spend elsewhere on materials or on jobs you cannot accomplish yourself. Get a 3-ring binder and dividers. Break you house down by rooms and break it down by job "type" as well. That's two break downs. The house by rooms and areas, and each area by jobs in that room or area. You know the drill. Plumbing, electrical, carpentry, paint, and the rest. Everything for a given room goes in a section. As you put the repairs for a given room in its section, you'll stick them in the job type. Don't worry if you forget a catagory. Just add as you go to get a complete (or mostly so) "workbook" for your remodeling project. You can do all this now and not lift a finger to do any work or spend a dime on materials. It's all a "thinking" project from the start. You should also have a "quick list" for each room or area with a few "must do ASAP" items on a list. You'll know what needs done now and what can hang for a bit. This way the place will be maximally "habitable" and you can live comfortably in a home you're working on. And you'll have to "think through" the work so that if you're doing, say, electrical in one room, you might be able to do it in another room or area at the same time. Saves you trips for materials and such, and lets you "wear one hat" as you labor for an hour or two or a day or so, or lets you hire help for a "group" of things that you need done. With your fat binder you can begin to estimate costs. Get some help if you need it. Everyone has a family member or friend that is "handy" with lining out this kind of thing. With a bit of help and some research, you'll be able to punch up some numbers to ball park your costs. Having owned a 100-year old house, this road is a familiar one. Good luck.

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Q: How much does it cost to remodel an old home?
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