

How long are long ships?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: How long are long ships?
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When was The Long Ships created?

The Long Ships was created in 1945.

How many pages does The Long Ships have?

The Long Ships has 603 pages.

What were the ships the vikings used?

long ships

How long was viking ships?

Viking ships were 15 to 35 meters long.

why were the vikings' ships called called ships?

Because they were ships? Do you mean longships? They were long and thin.

Who traveled in long ships?

The Vikings .

How long was zheng he's huge ships?

400ft long

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My cruise ship was about 300 yards long

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the vikings travelled on them

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Steamers tankers and liners are type of what?

they are all ships tankers are shooters i think and stemers are ships run on steam and liners are big long ships