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it is an awesome quality it nice and big to get your fingersaround them it comesin alsorts of colours and how i know this is because i have alot of smiggle

your sincerly:smiggle


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Q: How good is the quality of the products at smiggle?
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Are smiggle pens pencil cases good quality?

smiggle pencil cases are good quality I've had mine for two years and there is no tear or anything

How is smiggle so popular?

Smiggle is so popular because they have good products.

Which is a better stationary store smash or smiggle?

Definitely smiggle it is great quality equipment

What factory are smiggle products made?

how should i know

What smiggle coulors r there?

There are many coloours you can get smiggle in but you can only get some colours on certain smiggle products but some of the colours are- Pink Blue Purple Black white Red Gray

Is there a Smiggle Shop in Sale?

Smiggle is mainly an on line stationary retailer, there are two shops and a few post offices who sell Smiggle products in Australia but no shop in Sale, Cheshire, England.

Why is smiggle so expensive?

Has anyone heard the saying, "Quality not quantity?" The value of Smiggle is high, so that justifies your question, doesn't it? Smiggle is expensive because of how good it is.

What types of products does Smiggle offer?

Smiggle is an Australian company that produces accessories for children. Smiggle focuses on school accessories such as backpacks, water bottles, pencil cases. These accessories are all colorful and very nice.

Its good to use celebrity to endorse your products when the quality of the products is not up to your requirements?

do you think its good to use celebrity to endorse our products when the quality of the products is not up to our requirements?

Where did the name Smiggle come from?

The name Smiggle is a combination of the words "smile" and "giggle." It reflects the brand's fun and quirky approach to stationery and gift products, designed to bring joy and happiness to customers.

What is the best thing in smiggle?

One of the best things about Smiggle is their colorful and fun stationary products that appeal to all ages. Their unique and engaging designs make everyday tasks more enjoyable. Additionally, their commitment to quality ensures that their products are durable and long-lasting.

Can you have smiggle for free?

No. You can't get smiggle for free. You have to buy it from one of the stores. It is very good value though and I recommend it to you.